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Electrochemistry Software Electrochemist.com separate the overlapped peaks of CV.
(Click on graphs to enlarge.)
Picture 1.
Picture 2.
DC. The current rises with increasing voltages up to a limiting value.
Please click here to download the parameter file,
open the parameter file in software Electrochemist.
click the Plot menu, Option menu, untick the "x axie from + to -" to change the x-axie direction.
Picture 3.
CV, scan rate = 1 kv/s, fit a simulated curve to experimental CV.
Picture 4.
As above, scan rate = 1 kv/s, separate the overlapped peaks of CV.
Picture 5.
CV, scan rate = 5 kv/s, separate the overlapped peaks of CV.
Picture 6.
CV, scan rate 5 kv/s, separate the overlapped peaks of CV.
Picture 7.
Picture 8.
Picture 9.
Separate overlapped peaks of LV.
Picture 10.
Separate overlapped peaks of LV.
Picture 11.
A cyclic voltammetric simulation was fitted to experiement of an electrochemically mediated enzyme reaction involving any substrate and mediator concentrations.
electrochemical reaction: O+e=R
enzyme reaction: O+S = R+P
where R, O, S, and P are the reduced and oxidized forms of the mediator, substrate, and product, respectively.
scan rate is 10 mV/s, Uncompensated solution resistance is 3.4 ohm, cylinder electrode: radius is 4e-2 cm, length is 60 cm
(so electrode area show 1.5 square centimeters),
Determination of electrochemica Kinetic Constants: E0= -0.17 v, ks= 2e-3, alpha =0.5
Determination of Enzyme Kinetic Constants: kf=18, kb=20.
Please click here to download the parameter file,
and click here download the experiment data file .csv,
Picture 12.
EE adsorb reactions
A+H+e=B, B+H+e=C
See Also
/science / chemistry / electrochemistry / overlapped peaks